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Students can check their KPK educational board 10th class examination result 2015 online now at the official website of their board. Punjab board will publish their BISE 10th class result 2015, 10th board result 2015, SSC part 2nd result 2015, matric result 2015 on 25th of July 2015. BISE Board 10th Result 2015. BISE 10th Exam Results 2015. Annual examination of Punjab province 10th class was held in March 2015. Now after the three month of exam board will publish its BIS.
BISE 11th Class Result 2015, 11th Result 2015. The result of each subject group is declared of vary dates. 11th class humanities result 2015, 11th class Science Result 2015, 11th class Commerce result 2015 will be available of all board till the end of September 2015.
BISE 12th Class Result 2015, 12th Result 2015. BISE 12th Class Result 2015. Once the 12th board result 2015 will be declared, we will update here for your help. However, if you have any doubt then you can ask with us only by one comment. We will definitely reply soon. Especially for those students who want to get better career as per their study with higher marks.
Punjab Examination commission has successfully conducted 5th class examination in Punjab. Result of PEC 5th class exam 2016 will be released on 31st of March 2016. Candidates who appeared in PEC 5th class annual examination can check their related board 5th class result 2016 online at the official web portal of the PEC at pec. 5th class examination is conducted each year by the PEC for the elementary education in Punjab province of Pakistan. BISE 5th Class Result 2016.
Anyone who have valid roll number for 8th class may get their 8th exam results 2016. Regular students can also get their 8th board result offline from their particular school. PEC deliver the 8th class annual result score cards for the private candidates at their home address. PEC is the examination body working under the Punjab Province government. PEC 8th Exam Results 2016.
All board of Punjab, KPK, AJK, Sindh, and Balochistan conduct 9th class examination. 9th class date sheet is released one month before the examination. Punjab province has 37dictricts and highest number of students of Pakistan get their middle, secondary and higher secondary level of education in Punjab province board. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education.
Result, BA Results 2015. Candidates can check their BA exam 2015 results online from pkresult. The result will be check online by name wise, roll number wise and registration number. Check you BA Online Result 2015 from here. BA Degree Result 2015, BA Results. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education. Sindh Board of Technical Education.
Bachelor of Science examination 2015 was conducted by the university, according to the scheduled date in the date sheet by the University in April and May 2015. BSC result 2015 date will be published online at the official webpage of the respective university. Various Universities have the same schedule for releasing their BSC examination result 2015.
CSS Result 2015, CSS FPSC Result 2015. The Result is, given out in the month of July or August and hence for this year 2015 too, the CSS result 2015 will also announced by the FPSC in July or August. Central Superior Services or CSS Examination 2015 Result. Punjab Board of Technical Education.
Other boards expect Punjab, did not released the date of FA FSC results 2015. All board will declare their result soon. Keep in touch with this page to get latest updates about FA and FSC Results 2015. com will publish result after announcement of result officially by the board of Intermediate and secondary education. BISE FSC Exam Result 2015. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education. 5th and 8th Class Boards.
As the board will publish its 11th and 12th class result 2015, pkresult. com will also give you a direct link to download HSSC results 2015. Stay on touch for the latest details about HSSC exam results 2015. BISE HSSC Part 1 and Part 2 Results 2015. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education. Sindh Board of Technical Education.
ICOM Result 2015, BISE ICOM Annual Result 2015. Once all the board will announce the ICOm result on their official website we will update here. So, you have no need to go anywhere and you can directly check your ICOM test result 2015 from here. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education.
ICS Result 2015, BISE ICS Exam Result 2015. We know all students are eagerly waiting for their ICS result declaration date and time. After the result declaration, students can check their result of ICS by using their roll number, name, registration number, and other details as needed. However, appeared scholars, you have to wait till the result declaration date. Punjab Board of Technical Education.
Exact date of release of intermediate exam result of Lahore Board, AJK board HSSC Result 2015, Hyderabad board Intermediate result 2015, BISE Balochistan Quetta board Intermediate result 2015 will be released online of the official website result page. Punjab Board of Technical Education. KPK Board of Technical Education. Sindh Board of Technical Education.